Karsten Schmidt
Karsten Schmidt, also known as Toxi, is a London-based, award-winning computational designer who merges code, design, art and craft. Originally from East Germany, Schmidt’s artistic career began in the 8-bit demo scene. For nearly thirty years, he has adopted a non-dogmatic, multidisciplinary approach to working across mediums.
When not creating, Schmidt teaches workshops on generative design, open source and using code as a creative tool. He has authored several books on programming and graphic design and was an early contributor to the Processing project. His work has been featured in the press and exhibited internationally at institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, Victoria and Albert Museum, Barbican, Whitney New York and CAFA Art Museum.
Schmidt’s projects often involve a range of languages and environments, from web- and cloud-based platforms to “bare metal” embedded devices. He strives to build, retain and combine a deep understanding of various technologies and approaches to inform each project.