Leander Herzog
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Courtesy of artist.
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Leander Herzog

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Leander Herzog is a visual and generative artist based in Switzerland. He codes realtime animations and web-based art that explore the multiplicity of digital ownership. His practice frequently references contemporary art history and reflects on the omniscience of technology.

Herzog’s work has been exhibited in public institutions and galleries, including Transmediale Berlin & DAM Gallery, Kunsthaus Pasquart, Kunsthalle Zürich, HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) in Basel, and SODA Manchester. Previous artworks have been acquired by museums and institutions such as ZKM Karlsruhe, HEK (Basel), Francisco Carolinum Linz, and Le Random. He often collaborates with artists like Kim Asendorf, Addie Wagenknecht or Milian Mori, including projects commissioned by the Whitney Museum (New York) and HEK (Basel).

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